#6 991211


Hånden er fra
«Joystick» med Demodans,
SubGud, og H.C. Gilje .
Foto/3D-illustrasjon: Observatoriet v/Jan Alsaker,
Design : Aina Griffin.






















Digital Faces of The Future
For de som tror at verden har sett nok av halvinteressante coffee-table-typografibøker kan denne spalte anbefale boken Extreme Fonts, Digital Faces of The Future som er nylig utgitt på Madison Square Press i New York. Boken er kompilert av Spencer Drate og Jütka Salavetz. Drate er en gammel ringrev som er kjent for bl.a. CD-omslag til Bon Jovi, Lou Reed, U2, The Ramones, The Velvet Underground, Joan Jett og Talking Heads. Teamet har også stått bak andre bøker som Cool Type I og Cool Type II.
Boken viser at ekspressiv typografi likevel ikke er helt død og utslitt på tampen av dette tiåret. Hele alfabeter vises sammen med eksempler på anvendelse på en ryddig og veldesignet måte av Theres Wegman. Wegmans website viser forøvrig en uvanlig god beherskelse av jobbing i alle designmedier. I Extreme Fonts finnes arbeider fra bl.a. Plazm, Pablo A. Medina, Fontboy.com, Darren Scott, Elliot Earls, Psy/Ops, T-26, Thirstype, Geoff Kaplan, Chank, Marcus Burlile, Dirk Uhlenbrock, Prototype, Acme Fonts, samt 5 nordmenn.

The amount of typejunk thatís being generated all over the world is overwhelming. Advancements in technology in the last two decades have glorified a field that by itís very nature should put anybody to sleep sitting around discussing it at dinner. Has this caused the industry to think it can master every artistic field with a wave of a magic hand? What bugs me most these days are not the type-enthusiasts, the type-wannebes, the typegeeks, or stereotypes ó itís the pedantic type-mavens that are sitting around self-amusing themselves with home movies theyíre meticulously splicing together with pseudo-intellectual friends and then calling their self-indulgent shit art. [Please keep the hobbies in the garage or go back to school.] The divided attention within our discipline is caused by the accelerated speed of our lives overloading our ability to tackle just one problem with a clear mind. We are catapulting ourselves into the Future, desperately trying to do more in one day then we should, or could desperately do a decade ago. The work overall within the industry suffers.

Pete McCracken (fra introen til boken «Extreme Fonts»)

Typography? You cats floor me. Once again focusing on the wrong damn thing.. Listen, The life, like some grand king of the roller derby, should lord over the manifestation of all forms of our expression. Let the life lived give rise to this shit. You canít buy it in a can, and you wonít find it between the sheets of no book. Did species nautilus find the blueprints for hi s waxy armor in the bible? [Look, that corlscrew shell werenít no act of plagiarism, dig?] That mollusk had no choice. Nobody held a gun to his tiny head, he grew that shit from the depths of his soul and from the syncopated rhythm of his DNA. Canít say it more plainly. All this voodoo be nothiní but doo-doo, without a natural original-gangster-mac-daddy growth scheme.

I think the issue examined from the perspective of «Typography» is completely inane. Look in the mirror. See that mass of hair )or lack thereof) plastered to your head? Thatís typography. Yea, you can cut it, dye it, flop it, weave it, but all the mouse in the world ainít going to get you no Panteneô endorsement deal, cause you ainít no Selma Heyakô. The point? The point would be donít let your left hand know what the hell your right hand is doing. Live that shit. Breathe that shit, and let your ideas manifest themselves like some big-assed sea turtle laying mad eggs. A sea turtle rutting, grunting and kicking sand. Reject that flunky homo sapien simu-lectual posturing. Reject that austalopithecus man proto hunchback art brute shit. Be natural like little flowers growing wild in a summer field. be natural, stupid like moss or skunks are stupid, dig? If we must discuss «type», letís discuss it like the crows living high above our heads in the canopy. High above our earthbound feet, our un-feathered lives.

Elliot Peter Earls fra hans «backword» i Extreme Fonts

Elliot Earls er klin gæren og genial. Hans CD-ROM prosjekter og plakater etc. er obligatorisk for alle som trenger et kreativt kick i ræva. Sjekk www.theapolloprogram.com eller www.emigre.com.

En annen typobok som kan sjekkes ut er Emotional Digital, som er en innholdsrik bok med noen nye ting, f.eks. en interessant russisk typefoundry.

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